A slow drain can be a major annoyance. That means that you need to get it cleared out as soon as possible. There are a number of things that you can do to fix this issue. Some of them you can do on your own, others, you should hire a professional to handle, especially if the clog is really stubborn or appears to be deep into your pipes. So, what are some of the things that you can do?


One of the first things that you should try is a plunger. There are different kinds of plungers, depending on what you are using them for. For example, there are toilet plungers that have an extra flange on them. That flange fits into the drain in your toilet, which creates a tight seal so that the plunger can work the way that it should. One that is designed to use in your sink or bathtub doesn't have that flange because the larger bell will be able to seal over the drain with no problem. A plunger works through suction and pressure. When you push down on the plunger, you are creating pressure in the water trapped in the pipe, so it pushes against the clog to try to move it. When you pull the plunger back up, you create suction, pulling that water away from the clog. This goal is that it affects the clog and loosens it. 

Soap, Shampoo, or Conditioner

Another thing that you can try is soap, shampoo, or conditioner. The reason that you want to try these is that they have chemicals that help to break down grease and make things slippery. Pour some of that down the drain, and let it reach the clog. Once you have done that, you want to let the soap sit for a while. That's so it has a chance to work on the clog and help to move things along. Once you have let it for a while, then you should pour some boiling water down the drain. That will help to get everything moving along and down the pipes. You might also want to try to plunge the drain after you have let the hot water and soap do their job. 

If you have tried everything or you think that the clog is going to be more than you can handle, then you should definitely call a plumber and have them come deal with it. They can use a mechanical snake and run it down the drains to break up the clog and move it down. Contact a drain cleaning service for more information. 
