Your well pump is not an appliance you can see — at least not easily. You can't just go look at it and judge whether it looks worn out and needs to be replaced. Instead, you'll have to evaluate its performance and know when that performance starts to decline. But a loss of performance can present in a few different ways with a well pump. Here are the key signs that indicate your well pump probably needs to be replaced soon.

Fluctuating Water Pressure

Does the water come out powerfully sometimes, but at a slow trickle some other times? In other cases, you might notice substantial water pressure at a few different taps in your home, but low water pressure at other taps. This fluctuating pressure is usually caused by the well pump being unable to keep up. It may be losing power to the degree that it can't push water to your furthest taps. Or, it may have enough power to push water through the system for a few minutes before losing power.

Spitting Faucets

When you turn on the water at a faucet, does water come spitting or sputtering out? This can happen when your well pump starts to fail. It may be sending a lot of air through the system, or it may only be sending water through sporadically. Sometimes, the spitting only happens when the well pump first turns on, but it will only get worse if you ignore it at this stage.

High Electric Bills

There are many possible reasons why your electric bill may skyrocket. This can happen if your furnace is failing. It can also happen if your windows are open and you run your air conditioner. However, if you look into the common possibilities and don't find a good explanation for your high electric bills, your well pump might be failing. Sometimes, as well pumps start to fail, they run constantly or draw electricity even when they're not running.

Clicking Noises From Your Pressure Tank

If your well system has a pressure tank, go stand next to the tank for a few minutes while the water is running. If you hear a constant clicking noise, this could mean that the pump is having trouble kicking on to fill the tank. The clicking noise is the system attempting to activate the pump, again and again.

Well pumps don't last forever! If you notice any of the issues above, it's probably time for a new one. For more information about well pump replacement, contact a local contractor.
