No matter what's causing them, leaky pipes are a plumbing problem you can't afford to ignore. If the problem is left unaddressed, it can result in soaring utility bills and costly water damage to your residential property. 

That said, leaky pipes are often a sign of underlying plumbing issues, which must be remedied to avoid bigger problems down the line. Continue reading to discover some of the usual culprits behind leaky pipes.


If you live in an older house outfitted with copper piping or galvanized piping, corroded pipes are one of the water supply problems you should watch out for. As the pipes that supply cold water to your home age, corrosion becomes inevitable. 

While the process of corrosion occurs gradually over time, it is irreversible and can progress to the point where it results in the formation of leaks within your cold water line.

If you have corroded pipes, you'll need to get them removed and replaced with new piping. With the availability of plastic piping options such as PEX and PVC pipes, homeowners no longer have to worry about dealing with rusty or corroded pipes. However, plastic pipes used for plumbing applications generally don't offer the same strength and durability as their traditional metal cousins.

Pipe Joint Damage

Water supply lines are not seamless: they're installed by connecting multiple pipes together. Over time, pipe joints can get damaged due to a variety of factors, including: 

  • Incorrect pipe laying
  • Use of poor-quality pipe joint compound or products
  • Excessive water pressure
  • Seismic activity
  • Operating large equipment above the ground on which water pipes lie. 

Regardless of the reason why your pipe joints may be damaged, a plumber can help identify the trouble area and fix it.

Clogging Issues

Over time, your water pipes can become clogged from all of the dirt and minerals that are dissolved in the water. When this happens, the pipes will no longer have sufficient capacity to keep up with the water pressure.

This will lead to excessive pressure buildup within your water lines, which can cause pipe leaks or even burst pipes.

There are two main repair methods for clogged water pipes. Your pipes can either be removed and cleaned to clear the clogs or removed and replaced in situations where pipe cleaning isn't a viable option.

Beyond driving up your domestic utility bills, leaky pipes can cause major structural damage to your home if left untreated. If you have seen the signs of leaks in your water supply lines, don't hesitate to contact a local plumbing contractor immediately.
