What do you need to know about printable toilets? You've seen (and probably used) these portable plastic restrooms at outdoor venues or on the edges of construction sites. But you've never rented one of these on-the-go facilities. If you need to know more before you rent a portable potty, take a look at the dos and don'ts of movable or temporary toilets. 

Do Choose the Right Number of Rentals

How many toilets will you need to rent? There's no standard answer to this question or magic formula you can use. While there are generally accepted industry ratios for commercial use, a private residential or entertainment venue rental may have different number needs or requirements. Before you book a rental, consider the following.

  • How many people will use the toilets? You won't need the same number of rentals for your home renovation project as you would for a mid-sized outdoor wedding. While you won't need one toilet per person, you should increase the number of rentals for larger-sized crowds.

  • How often will you/your guests need to use the toilets? You can't anticipate every person's bathroom needs. But you should expect household members or guests to use the toilets more over longer periods of time. Think about the number of hours and number of days you'll need to use the toilets before choosing a number.

  • Are other restrooms available? Are the rentals a secondary restroom that will serve an overflow of outdoor guests? If the toilets aren't the only restrooms available, you won't need as many rentals.

Are you still unsure about the total rental number? If you don't know whether to choose one, two, or a dozen toilets, talk to a professional. Ask the plumbing or rental contractor for their expert opinion. They can help you to choose the just-right number based on their past experience and knowledge of toilet rentals.

Don't Choose the Wrong Area

Now that you know how many toilets to rent, it's time to take the next step and select an installation option. Where should you place rental toilets? Like the number of rentals, you will also need to consider a few factors before you place the toilets. These include:

  • Your local rules and regulations. Does your city, township, or municipality have rules that specify where you can and can't place an outdoor toilet? Check all regulations before you select an installation space.

  • Your neighbors. Are you placing the toilets in your yard? Your neighbors may not want a close view of the facilities. Ask neighbors or businesses that border your home/venue whether they have a placement preference before choosing one outdoor area.

  • The weather and climate. A sun-soaked space may make using the toilets almost unbreakable. Consider a shady or cool placement.

Again, the pro can help you to place and install the rentals. Rely on the contractor's expertise for creative placement ideas or ask the professional to explain local zoning rules and regulations.

For more information on portable toilets, contact a company near you.
