If all of the drains in your home become clogged or backed up at the same time, contact a plumber immediately. The major sewer line running beneath your property may be seriously compromised or damaged. The line can cause multiple pipes and drains in your home to clog or back up with waste. Learn more about the major sewer line beneath your home and how it can cause multiple clogs and backups throughout your home below.
How Does the Major Sewer Line Work?
Every plumbing pipe or line in your home empties its contents into the major sewer line running below your property. The major sewer line, or main sewer pipe, connects the plumbing system inside your house to the city's wastewater system out in the street. If portions of the sewer line on your property become damaged or compromised, it can cause massive plumbing problems in your home, including toilet backups and dangerous odors.
The major line collects solid and liquid waste from the drainage pipes in your kitchen and bathroom. The pipes in your kitchen and bathroom process large amounts of waste throughout the day and/or night. If the waste traveling through your home's drainage pipes becomes too great, it can clog up the major sewer pipe outside your home.
The major sewer line can also cause issues for your home if collapses or sags below ground. The sagging pipe forms a belly beneath the ground. If debris collects inside a bellied pipe, it can spill out of the pipe and leak under the ground. The contents of a bellied pipe can also backtrack into your home.
If you suspect something wrong with your major sewer line, contact a plumber for immediate services today.
How Do You Repair the Major Sewer Line?
In order to determine the reason behind your plumbing's strange behavior, a plumber will need to view the contents inside your major sewer line. If the line is clogged with old waste, it may be the reason behind the constant clogs and blockages in your home. A plumber will need to clear out the pipe to keep your plumbing system from backing up in the home.
If the sewer line is clear but bellied, a plumber will need to repair it immediately. A plumber can do a few things to repair your major sewer line. A contractor can fill the belly with a new piece of pipeline, or they can remove the pipe altogether. If the pipe is very old, you may want to go ahead and replace it. The line may become bellied again in the future.
Learn more about major sewer lines and how to fix the belly in your line by contacting a plumber today.
For more information about water line pipes, contact a company like The Plumbing Doctor.