If you have plans to remodel your home, don't forget about the plumbing. This is especially important if you're remodeling the entire house. If you've decided to remodel using the existing plumbing system, rethink that decision. You might not realize this, but that approach could cause problems for you down the road. A better approach is to replace the existing plumbing system during the remodel. That way, you can take care of everything all at once. If you're not sure how installing a new plumbing system will benefit you, read the list provided below. You'll find four reasons to replace your plumbing while you remodel your home. 

Increase the Water Pressure

If your remodel includes a new bathroom or laundry room, now's the time to update your plumbing system. Your plumbing might be able to handle the current water use. But that might change once you remodel your home. One of the easiest ways to ensure proper water pressure after the remodel is to install a new plumbing system. That way, your system can handle the new bathroom and the updated fixtures. 

Eliminate Health Concerns

If your contractor discovered outdated water pipes, it's time to talk to your plumber. Those outdated pipes could contain lead. If they do, they pose a health risk to you and your family. To eliminate that risk, you need to have a new plumbing system installed. Taking care of the installation while your home is being remodeled will ensure safe water for you and your family. 

Accommodate the Changes

If you're going to include a new bathroom or updated kitchen with your remodeling project, don't forget about the plumbing. This is especially important where efficiency is concerned. One of the great things about installing a new plumbing system is that you can include the most efficient features. This can include low-flow toilets and water-saving shower heads. 

Ensure Clean Water

If your home has poor water quality, use your home remodeling project to make some changes. Now's the perfect time to have a water filtration system installed in your home. A water filtration system will remove all the minerals and contaminants in your drinking water. Not only will you enjoy better-tasting water, but you'll also protect your new pipes. That's because the filtration system removes the minerals that can destroy your plumbing. 

Get the most from your home remodeling project. Use this time to install a new plumbing system in your home, and enjoy the benefits described above. 

Contact a company like Thrifty Plumbing to learn more. 
