Did your current hot water heater break and do you need to replace it? You may be wondering if now is the time to make the upgrade to a tankless water heater. Here are the key differences between a hot water tank and a tankless water heater.
One of the first differences between these two types of water heaters that people notice is the price. A tankless hot water heater is going to cost more than a traditional water tank, with there being various types of tankless water heaters you can purchase. If you are on a budget, a tankless hot water heater may make the most sense if you plan on staying in your home for a long time.
The way that the two hot water heaters work is quite different from each other when it comes to the output of hot water. A traditional hot water heater holds the water in a reserve tank and then disperses it on demand as people use hot water. It is possible to run out of hot water if too many people are showering at once and the hot water tank isn't able to keep up with demand. The water then gets colder until the heating element can warm up the new water.
A tankless hot water tank will heat the water instantly, so there is never a lack of hot water. One thing to keep in mind is that a tankless hot water heater may be limited to how much hot water can be produced at one time. This means you need to get a more powerful tankless water heater if you have multiple full bathrooms in your home that people use at once.
Energy Use
A traditional hot water tank is going to use a lot more energy than a tankless model. That is because more energy is used to keep the tank of hot water ready to use. This includes using energy while you're sleeping, away at work, on vacation, or simply not using the hot water.
This isn't the case with a tankless hot water heater. Energy is only used to heat the water that is being used. Energy isn't wasted keeping water hot and ready to go. This can help you save money with a tankless hot water heater over time, even if the initial price is higher than that of a traditional hot water tank.
Reach out to a local plumber for help installing a hot water heater in your home.