If you will be doing a lot of hosting at your house this holiday season, you are likely making preparations to ensure you have everything ready to go. But sometimes, despite your best efforts, something could go wrong after guests arrived, and maybe this year it will be a clogged drain. If someone put something down the drain that doesn't belong in there, you might be looking for a quick fix to keep the good times going this holiday season. To that end, here are some tips that might help.
Baking Soda and Vinegar
If you don't have any chemical drain cleaner just sitting around waiting for an incident like this, you can try and make do with other items you have in your pantry. One of the more common drain cleaning solutions you can mix yourself involves baking soda, vinegar, and a pot of boiling water. Send the baking soda down the drain to sit on top of the clog, and then chase it with vinegar. If there's a chemical reaction, plug the drain so the reaction takes place down below. Let this mixture sit down there for up to an hour, and then try to clear the drain with a pot of boiling water.
Lemon Juice Works in a Pinch
Do you have the baking soda and vinegar but you personally don't want your entire kitchen smelling like vinegar for the next hour or two while there are guests around? If you have some lemon juice sitting in the fridge, you can try using this with the baking soda instead of the vinegar. The same rules apply as before, the baking soda goes down first, chase it with the much more pleasant-smelling lemon juice, let it sit for an hour, and then send the boiling water into the drain and hope for the best.
Try a Kitchen or Sink Plunger
If a clog in your kitchen or bathroom sink is especially bad, try putting a little muscle into it. You likely already have a plunger for the toilet, but did you know you can buy a plunger designed for the kitchen or bathroom sink? Try using this kind of plunger along with one of the mixtures described above to attack the login more than one way.
Emergency Drain Services Can Save the Holidays
If you can't fix the clog with items you already have at home, you need a drain cleaning professional who can respond quickly to assist you and save your holiday party. Contact a local drain cleaning service and get someone out to your house with better tools (like a plumbing snake) to get the clog taken care of.