While it can be easy to overlook some of the different types of maintenance that your home will require, this can be a severe mistake if you do this with your drains or the other components of the plumbing system. In this regard, cleaning the drains can be one of the most important and basic types of care that your plumbing will need.

Failing To Clean The Drains Can Lead To Plumbing Emergencies

Unfortunately, failing to clean your drains can lead to a significant increase in the risk of a plumbing emergency. An example of this could be a critical drain line becoming completely clogged. If it is not cleaned at somewhat regular intervals, it is possible for the drain line to become completely obstructed. In this situation, you may have to contact an emergency plumbing service to handle the removal of the obstruction, which can be both costly and require a delay.

Homes With Septic Tanks Will Need To Be Especially Careful When Cleaning The Drains

If your home relies on a septic tank to process the wastewater that it is producing, you will have to take additional precautions when cleaning your drains. This is due to the fact that many chemical drain cleaners will not be well-formulated for use in septic systems. In fact, they may even be able to decimate the population of the bacteria in the septic tank, which could reduce its capability of breaking down the solid materials that enter it. A professional drain cleaning service can clean out these drain lines without the need to use these chemical products. As a result, this can be one of the safest options for homes with septic tank systems. In the event that chemical products are needed, these services can also have access to options that will be safe for use with septic tank systems.  

Hard Water Can Increase The Frequency Your Drains Will Have To Be Cleaned

For a home that has hard water, drain cleaning work will be needed on a far more frequent basis. This can be due to the tendency of the minerals in the hard water to cause a rapid accumulation of the interior lining of the pipes. Installing a water softener can help to lessen this impact, but until you make this upgrade, you may need to have your drains cleaned every year or two in order to prevent these accumulations from impacting the flow of water through them.

Contact a professional for more information about drain cleaning
