There are two basic ways that hot water heaters can generate heat. They can run on electricity, or they can run on natural gas. These days, plenty of people are switching to electric hot water heaters since electricity is seen as the cleaner power source. Making the switch might be the right choice for you, but it also might not be. Here are some situations in which you might be better off sticking with a gas hot water heater.
Electricity is really expensive in your area.
The price of electricity can vary throughout the country. In many areas, electricity is cheaper than natural gas, but this is not universally true. If you live a long way from the closest power plant, your electricity might be very expensive. In such a situation, you may be better off sticking to a natural gas water heater – at least until more infrastructure is added to bring the cost of electricity down for you.
You have other gas appliances you want to keep.
If a hot water heater is your only natural gas appliance, then getting rid of it and replacing it with an electric one will allow you to disconnect from the gas company. However, if you have other gas appliances, getting rid of your gas water heater won't allow you to disconnect; you will still have a gas bill. So, there is less motivation to switch to an electric hot water heater.
You would have to relocate the new hot water heater.
If there is no electrical connection near the area where your gas hot water heater is located, then switching will mean putting the new hot water heater in a whole new location. This would mean running new pipes and possibly installing a new platform to support the unit. This work can really add to the cost of installation and may mean you have to make other changes to your basement layout, too. If you're not prepared to make these changes or to have them made, then you may be better off with a new gas water heater, which can be placed in the same location as the old one.
Many people are now switching from gas to electric hot water heaters. However, this is not a change that everyone is prepared to make quite yet. If you're in any of the situations above, you may be best off sticking with a gas water heater — at least for now.
To learn more, contact a home plumbing service today.